Light The Sky, Not Your House This July 4th
Hamburgers, hotdogs, parades, and fireworks! The 4th of July is a great American holiday, and fireworks are a tradition that many communities enjoy. But first, a word of caution: make sure you light up the sky, and not your home!
Fireworks can reach as high as 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit. The National Fire Protection Agency reported an estimated 17,800 structure fires and about $32 million in direct property damage in a recent year. More fires are started on the 4th of July than any other day of the year, with the majority started by embers from fireworks (specifically rockets) drifting and landing on homes or other dry material.
Adults who are lighting fireworks on the Fourth should remember that your children watch you, and if you focus on fire safety, they are more likely to be careful themselves. Whether you are lighting a campfire, barbecue, or fireworks, be cautious and talk about the importance of fire safety with your children if you want to avoid the risk of injury, property damage, and costly repairs.
Does Your Homeowners Insurance Cover You for Fireworks?
If your home is damaged by fire and the fire was started by fireworks, are you covered? Fire can leave your home damaged beyond repair. A hot July leaves the structure tinder dry, so one ember landing on the roof can burst into flame in seconds. The property damage can be extensive and lead to costly repairs. If your family has a tradition on the Fourth that includes a private firework display, it is well worth your time to have your homeowners insurance policy reviewed.
Every city has laws associated with the use of fireworks. Ensure you understand what is legal and that your family understands that fireworks, although exciting, loud, and beautiful, are also very dangerous. If you have a home fire and it is discovered that the local laws were violated, you may run into trouble with an insurance claim, as most policies have exemptions for illegal acts.
Talk to us about your homeowners insurance today. The last thing you need to worry about on a day of celebration is a house fire or causing an injury.